Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How to take care of yourself after menopause?

How to take care of yourself after menopause

Menopause is one of the worst phases of a woman’s life when she faces uncontrollable mood swings, sleeping problems, mental stress and low appetite. This sure is a rough phase for her. Life after menopause is sure not a cake walk but can be made easier with proper support from your gynecologist and most importantly your life partner.

Perimenopause is the phase that occurs before menopause. Perimenopause and menopause are different phases but are connected in a way so it’s good to have knowledge about this as well! Perimenopause is characterized by mood swings, irregular periods, heavy flow, panic attack, etc whereas menopause is a phase where menopause stops and women face certain physical and mental discomforts for a length of two to three years.

Menopause comes at a time when you have sent your children to college, looking after your husband’s ailing parents, taking care of your husband and surrounded with these responsibilities you hardly get time to take care of yourself. A daily self-care routine helps a lot!
Taking care of your health is most important because then only you will be able to do other activities.

Follow the below health tips to stay energetic and healthy in this fragile phase of yours-
  1. Eat a lot of fibrous fruits and vegetables. Use some olive oil to dress salad and spend less time eating fried and oily stuff like chips, burgers, pizza and likewise!
  2. Do some physical exercise daily, get your heartbeat go high and burn extra calories each day. Do yoga for your peace of mind.
  3. See your doctor for your physical discomfort and don’t take medicines off the counter. Check with your doctor for mood tranquilizer and antidepressants. Don’t be embarrassed to tell your doctor all your problems.
  4. Don’t worry about something that’s not under your control which is your hormones. If you happen to get angry in a social situation, try to calm down and don’t beat yourself up while trying to do so. Let your close friends and family members know that you are facing this issue and that you are trying your best to pull yourself together!
  5. Spend time with your husband. Husbands might not know the reason for your discomfort and mood swings! Let them know what you are going through. That will let him understand you better and also your bring you a peace of mind that you have someone to share your pain with. 
  6. Menopause and support from your husband go hand in hand. Not being able to be sexually active might be a barrier in your physical intimacy with your partner. Use lubricants and medicines to face the issues of vaginal dryness. Tell your husband about your discomforts and use other efficient ways to stay intimate! Go to movies, go on long drives or go on a dinner date. Just dressing up, putting on a light make-up, having wine in a restaurant with nice ambiance will lift up your mood. I will even suggest going on a romantic outing for a week or month! It is like dialing down the stress level and embracing more peace into your life!
Doing these will help reduce the anxiety at physical and mental level. Follow them to live a happy and healthy life after menopause!

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